Friday, November 19, 2010

SCHOOL LIFE: Official Class Schedule, credit hours for Evergreen

Each class lasts 90 minutes
1st: 私法総論 Private/Civil Law
 Please count this class as 1.5 credit hours per week for learning Japanese (counts for 8/16 credits in the study contract).
2nd: 中国語こミュニケーションII Chinese Communication II
 Please disregard this class for credit hours in language learning. Although it's all in Japanese, the language-learning for Chinese is elementary enough that it doesn't really enhance my Japanese skills.
3rd: 専門日本語II Technical Japanese II
 Please count this class as 1.5 credit hours per week for learning Japanese.

1st: 比較文化論 Comparative Cultures
 Please count this as 1.5 credit hours per week for learning Japanese. Although it's also culturally educational, examine the blog entries related to the class to determine credit for Cultural Studies (4/16 credits in the contract).
2nd: 多文化ミュニケーション論II Intercultural Communication II
 Since this class is all in English, it has no language-learning merit. Please refer to the blog entries about these classes to determine awarding credit for Cultural Studies in the contract.
3rd: 交流社会論 Interchanging Societies
 Although the slides that the professor presents are in English and therefore easy to understand, I am often required to use and understand Japanese in this class in terms of writing and listening. Please count it as 1.5 credit hours. Again, Cultural Studies credits should be referred to in the blog.

No classes.

1st: 日本語-日本文化II Japanese Language and Culture
 Please count this as 1.5 credit hours for language and refer to blog entries for other credit.
2nd: 私法総論 Private/Civil Law
 Same as prior class description.
3rd: 交流社会論 Interchanging Societies
 Same as prior class description.
4th: Seminar
 Please count it as 1.5 hours of language learning and anything else, refer to blog.

 So to total up the amount of hours per week spent studying/being immersed in the Japanese language, it's about 10.5 hours per week. In addition, there is the kanji learning (which I know I haven't posted on in a while) and other language practices, which I will post about. The purpose of posting blog entries on every class is to show I've attended them (and I'm forthright about when I'm not in attendance). Before the end of the quarter I will post a bit more on the methodology of how I learn Japanese in these classes and at home in order to give a better foundation for receiving credit. If there is anything else about my schedule that needs to be clarified please let me know.
 Sorry to post this so late as well. This schedule will also carry on into Winter Quarter at Evergreen, so please refer to it then too.

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